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What’re Single Board Computers?

Single-board computers, or SBCs, are a class of small computers that have all the components of a typical desktop computer on one circuit board. Some single-board computers are as complex as a typical desktop PC, with a full complement of input and output ports, RAM, and other features. Others are simpler and smaller, making them more compact and energy-efficient, perfect for embedded systems in robotics or home automation applications. 

SBCs are becoming increasingly popular because they’re inexpensive compared to traditional desktop PCs. They require less power to operate and consume less space than conventional desktops. Besides, they’re often easier to modify because they’re open-source hardware platforms whose instruction manuals are freely available online.

Why Single Board Computers Stand Out


Single board computers offer a cost-effective way to automate tasks performed by multiple devices. Traditional computers often use several components, such as RAM, hard drives, and graphics cards, that must be purchased separately. Each of these components is an additional expense that adds to the cost of a computer, and when the time comes to replace them, the user’s original investment may not have been fully recouped.

No need for add-ons

Single-board computers use only one board for all computing-related functions, including CPU processing and memory storage. The entire device is housed in one case, so there is no need for add-ons or external additions. It is also possible to make a single-board computer portable by using a battery rather than an AC connection.

More energy efficient

Single-board computers are also more energy-efficient than traditional computers. This can be attributed to their integrated circuits and RAM chips designed to take full advantage of the available power supply. By contrast, a desktop PC requires many separate power supplies that operate simultaneously.

Ideal for applications requiring multiple devices

Single-board computers can be used in applications where multiple devices are required, or simple control of an application is needed. For example, they can be used in industrial applications such as control panels or factory automation system controls, or they can be used in consumer electronics such as security monitors or displays.

Highly portable

Single-board computers offer several benefits because of their small size and minimalistic design. One of their main advantages is how easy they are to transport, which makes them perfect for applications that need to operate in multiple locations at once. Because they are so small, you can easily carry one around in your pocket or hold it in your hand and control it remotely with your smartphone.


Single-board computers also benefit from being flexible in terms of functionality. They can be programmed to do virtually anything depending on the user’s needs. With extremely limited space and power requirements, single board computers can run efficiently and quietly while still powering large amounts of data whenever necessary

Bottom line

Single-board computers are often used in electronics projects because they are inexpensive and easy to transport. They’re also a good option for those who want to start programming on a microcontroller but don’t have the space for a full computer. Single-board computers can be powered using USB cables, making them easy to connect to an external power source when necessary. They can connect to the Internet, allowing you to use them with various programming languages and other software. In addition, they come with built-in ports that make communication with other devices easy, which is particularly handy if your project requires input from multiple sources.

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